Application period October 1 – January 5
Announcement: February 21
The application period will open in the fall of the year before the award announcements.
SCCAP enhances the science and practice of clinical child and adolescent psychology by supporting its membership, and the field’s workforce, in the domains of (a) research; (b) evidence-based practice; (c) training and career development; (d) diversity, equity, and inclusion; and (e) dissemination.
To advance its mission, SCCAP has developed a series of awards to recognize and promote excellence across these specific child and adolescent focused domains, as well as across the career span.
The awards are a members-only benefit as part of the Society’s mission to promote psychologists’ work and advance the profession.
Our awards program has the ability to give a boost to developing professionals and students or acknowledge work well done. We need your assistance to seek throughout our diverse fields of educators, researchers, and practitioners, candidates that could be recognized.
The SCCAP nomination process is not cumbersome and self-nominations are accepted. Most awards require a letter explaining the exemplary characteristics and positive impact of the nominees’ work, and a current CV. Membership in SCCAP is required. Nominations can be submitted online through the specific award pages listed below. Questions may be emailed to
SCCAP encourages and welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds with respect to age, disability, gender, geography, nationality, race, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
Please visit our Student Award Opportunities page to view a full list of current award opportunities for students in clinical child and adolescent psychology.

Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award
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Seeking Nominations – Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award
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Poster Award Opportunities
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R. Bob Smith, III, Ph.D., Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award and Workshop
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Abidin Early Career Research Award and Grant
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Diversity Professional Development Award
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Future Directions Launch Award
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SCCAP Distinguished Career Award for Practice and Training
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For Students
Please visit our Student Award Opportunities page to view a full list of current award opportunities for students in clinical child and adolescent psychology.
Current and Past Award Winners
2023 Award and Grant Recipients
2022 Award and Grant Recipients
2021 Award and Grant Recipients
2020 Award and Grant Recipients
2019 Award and Grant Recipients
2018 Award and Grant Recipients
Award Recipients of Division 53 (Pre-2018)
Section 1 Div 12 (Pre-Division 53) Award winners
Distinguished Career
2001 O. Ivar Lovaas
2002 Benjamin B. Lahey
2003 Rolf Loeber
2004 Michael Rutter
2005 John Weisz
2006 Terrie Moffit
2007 Phil Kendall
2008 Sheila Eyberg
2009 Bill Pelham
2010 Rex Forehand
2011 John Lochman
2012 Russell Barkley
2013 Cathy Lord
2014 Annette La Greca
2015 Tony Spirito
2016 Elizabeth McCauley
2017 Richard R. Abidin
Abiding Early Career Award and Grant
2016 Tara Peris
2017 David Langer
Distinguished Research
2004 Constance Hammen
Early Career
2005 Eric Youngstrom
2006 Sara Jaffee
2007 Eric Wilcutt
2006 Joel T. Nigg
Junior Faculty Mentoring
2004 Andrea Chronis and Andrea Taub
2005 Amori Yee Mikami
2006 Julia Cerel and Terry Chi
2007 Steven Smith
Routh Research and Dissertation Grant
Jennifer B. Blossom, M.S.
John L. Cooley, M.A.
Erin O’Connor, M.A.
Andrea Trubanova, M.S.
Alex Bettis
Catherine Burrows
Joyce Lui
Danielle Cornacchio
Honorable Mention
Farzana Saleem
Julia Morgan
Leslie Rith Najarian
Melissa Pielech
Student Achievement Awards
Zack Adams
Matthew Lerner
Kaitlin Gallo
John Guerry
Traci Kennedy
Leticia Osterberg
Daryaneh Badaly
Stephen Becker
Kelly Donahue
Kate Humphreys
Adam Miller
Justin Parent
Sarah Thomas
Carolos Yeguez
Aubrey Carpenter
Chloe Greenbaum
Pauline Goger
Monica Wu
Natalia Husby
Claire Gorey
Karen Guan
Jessica Schleider
Davielle Lakind
Amy Rapp
Kendal Reeder
Alayna Park
Student Research
2003 Christine A. Zalecki and Peter P. Kane
2004 Candice Alfano and Jason Horwitz
2005 Sasha Aschenbrand and Sara Haden
Graduate Research
2004 Daniel Bagner and Anil Chacko
2005 Brian Wymbs, Veronica Raggi, Nina Kaiser
2006 Abbey Eisenhower and Jonathan Comer
2007 Abigail Judge and Mary Keeley
Postdoctoral Research
2007 Greta Winograd
Outstanding Doctoral Program
2005 University of Kansas
2006 DePaul
2007 Virginia Commonwealth University
Public Sector
2004 Julianna Smith Boydston
2005 Elizabeth Hamilton
Minority Education
2007 LaVome Robinson
Minority Research
2007 Noni Gaylord-Harden