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Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award

Application period  October 1 – January 5

Announcement:  February 21

Although there are no simple defining criteria for this award, research contributions and the development of new knowledge in the field should be the major basis of the nomination.  The awardee must be prominent in the area of clinical child and adolescent psychology, and the award is intended to recognize a career of scientific achievement.

The area of scientific contribution is open and we encourage our members to nominate stellar candidates who have made contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the field.

Eligibility Statement:

The nominee must be a member of SCCAP Div53 who has made major empirical and/or theoretical scientific contributions to the field, whose body of work has had broad impacts that have shaped advances in training and education, public policy, and/or scientific practice in the area of clinical child and adolescent psychology.

  • The nominee must be a member of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) for at least one year at the time of application.
  • Self-nominations will be accepted.
  • Elected board members of SCCAP Division 53 are not eligible.
  • Applicants must be domiciled in the United States of America.

Recipients of the award are given a plaque and a stipend of $2000. The recipients are invited to give an address that relates to their contributions at the subsequent APA Convention.  It is the expectation that the cash award be used for travel and lodging to deliver the invited address.  The balance (if any) constitutes an honorarium.

Nominations for the Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award are due by January 5.

Nominations should use the form below.

In one PDF, submit through the form: (1) a letter explaining the exemplary characteristics and positive impact of the nominees’ work, (2) a current CV for the nominee, and if applicable (3) any additional materials to illustrate their career contributions.  Membership in SCCAP is required to submit a nomination and self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should use the form below.

Criteria for the Award

The letter of nomination should address the following issues:

1.        The general nature of the nominee’s contributions to new knowledge in the field.

2.        The nominee’s most important theoretical and/or empirical contributions.

3.        The broad impact of the nominee’s contributions to the field of clinical child and adolescent psychology, including (but not limited to) impacts on training and education, public policy, and/or scientific practice.

A list of past Distinguished Career Recipients is posted on the SCCAP website.

Distinguished Career
2001 O. Ivar Lovaas
2002 Benjamin B. Lahey
2003 Rolf Loeber
2004 Michael Rutter
2005 John Weisz
2006 Terrie Moffit
2007 Phil Kendall
2008 Sheila Eyberg
2009 Bill Pelham
2010 Rex Forehand
2011 John Lochman
2012 Russell Barkley
2013 Cathy Lord
2014 Annette La Greca
2015 Tony Spirito
2016 Elizabeth McCauley
2017 Richard R. Abidin

2018 Carolyn Webster-Stratton

2019 Geraldine Dawson

2020 Joan Asarnow

2021 Nancy Gonzales

2022 Michael Roberts and Enrique Neblett

2023 Steve Hinshaw

SCCAP encourages and welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds with respect to age, color, ethnicity, disability, gender, geography, nationality, race, religion, and sexual orientation.