Application Period October 1-January 5
Announcement by February 21
The SCCAP Diversity Committee is pleased to announce our request for applications for the Diversity Professional Development Awards (DPDA). The goal of the DPDA is to provide educational and professional experiences to SCCAP members from diverse groups. This award intends to provide awardees the opportunity to gain new skills, to increase their professional network, and to promote their professional development by presenting at or attending professional conferences (online or in person). This award is also designed to increase attendance at the annual APA conference or a division co-sponsored conference (e.g., Future Directions Forum, Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health conference). Other conferences will be considered with a written justification of how the proposed conference will advance your professional career.
Eligibility Criteria: Applications will be evaluated based on the specified financial need and benefit of attending the conference on the applicants’ professional development. Although you do not need to be a presenter to apply for this award, priority will be given to applicants who are presenting at the conference.
- This award is open to graduate students from diverse groups (e.g., ethnic and racial, sexual and gender diversity, individuals with a disability) enrolled an APA, PCSAS, and/or CPA accredited master and doctoral level programs or Early Career Psychologists (ECP; no more than 5 years since earning your doctorate).
- Applicants must be a member of SCCAP. SCCAP is free to join for students and post-docs. (https://sccaporg/join/).
- The awardee shall be no more than 10 years post-doctoral degree at the time of nomination.
- The nominee must be a member of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) for at least one year at the time of application.
- Self-nominations will be accepted.
- Elected board members of SCCAP Division 53 are not eligible.
- Applicants must be domiciled in the United States of America.
- Eligible educational opportunities must occur in the year of the award. If the event occurs prior to the award announcement, funds may be used for retroactive reimbursement.
- If you have questions about eligibility criteria or other parts of the application process, please contact SCCAP@SCCAPorg
Award: Up to fifteen $300 awards are available to support professional development activities for graduate students or ECP. Due to public concerns, if travel is not required funding may be used to attend virtual opportunities. These funds will cover enrollment fees for webinars, classes, or conferences. If selected the awardee will be required to submit conference receipts for registration and travel to receive award funds. Conference Registration prior to award announcement is not required.
Application Dates:
Application Period October 1-January 5
Announcement by February 21
Applications are due by January 5 before 5:00 pm EST. If you have questions about eligibility criteria or other parts of the application process, please contact
Conference Registration prior to award announcement is not required.
SCCAP encourages and welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds with respect to age, ethnicity, disability, gender, geography, nationality, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, Ph.D., SCCAP Member at Large-Diversity; Awards Chair