The Board of Directors of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) is proud to announce that Michael Roberts, PhD, ABPP and Enrique Neblett, Jr., PhD have been selected as the recipients of the 2022 Distinguished Career Awards.
It would be hard to make a greater contribution to our specialty field than what Michael Roberts has accomplished. He has played a truly essential role in our history and in the advancement of our discipline. Dr. Roberts’s groundbreaking efforts and pivotal leadership led to the formation of Division 53. Moreover, his tireless work ensured the recognition of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology as a CRSPPP specialty, he contributed to the development of the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; and he established the Kansas Conference on Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, which has provided professional training opportunities for graduate students through seasoned practicing clinicians as well as faculty researchers and educators. Dr. Robert’s service to the field is enormous. In addition to serving on the APA Council of Representatives, he has served as editor of multiple journals, including the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
Enrique Neblett, Jr. quickly rose to the forefront of our field through his research, dedication to teaching and mentorship of scholars leading the field, and his championing efforts to use psychological science to support the well-being of youth and families impacted by racism and discrimination. His impactful research has focused on how racism-related stress influences the physical and mental health of Black youth. Dr. Neblett’s work has led to the development of foundational scientific knowledge about the impact of racism, as well as individual and family influences that buffer the impact of discrimination. His work has been particularly comprehensive in its focus on different levels of analysis, an emphasis on the mechanisms by which racism and discrimination impact youth wellbeing. Along with Dr. Neblett’s direct mentorship of current leading and rising scholars in this area, his extensive work in this area has shaped cutting edge approaches to conceptualizing the study of structural racism and the promotion of health equity in youth and families. @DrNeblett
As SCCAP’s Distinguished Career Award winners, Drs. Roberts and Neblett will be presenting on their work at this summer’s APA conference. Please join us in congratulating Drs. Roberts and Neblett!