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Amanda Jenson-Doss elected as the Chair-elect to the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science (CAAPS)

Amanda Jenson-Doss, SCCAP Member at Large for Science and Practice (2014 -2019) was elected as the Chair-elect to the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science (CAAPS).  Mandy is the principal investigator and faculty advisor of CIELO Lab. She is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Child & Family Division in the Department of Psychology at the University of Miami.

CAAPS strives to promote science to understand, reduce, and prevent the burden of mental illness, and foster adaptive development and well-being. CAAPS is an umbrella organization formed in 2016 to provide an opportunity for organizations committed to clinical science to have a means for working together productively on shared goals. Member organizations work on many different aspects of the creation, dissemination, and application of clinical science and the training of clinical scientists, but share a commitment to prioritizing a scientific epistemology to advance knowledge and improve human well-being.