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Overview and Procedures

Below are our procedures and policies regarding our special interest groups.

Last modified on March 18th, 2025 at 9:29 pm


The purpose of special interest groups is to facilitate national networking of SCCAP members in an identified subspecialty, mental health disorder, or interest area. SIGs are a structural unit of the society and a reflection of the needs and activities of the members.

Please note that ONLY SCCAP members can participate in these groups.


Any group of 10 or more SCCAP members may apply for the formation of a special interest group. The letter of application (max. two pages) should include the name of the proposed SIG, the description of the proposed activities of the SIG, as well as the names and email addresses of the founding members and leadership.

The proposed SIG Chair(s) should email the application letter to the MAL for Membership (member-at-large) for subsequent approval by the SCCAP Board of Directors. The MAL for Membership will provide email notification of the decision to the proposed SIG chair(s).


Every SIG has a responsibility to uphold the image and advance the mission of SCCAP by advancing clinical child and adolescent psychology-related research, education, treatment, and professional practice. SIGs should serve as a forum for communication within the interest area and be a resource in the dissemination of knowledge and information related to clinical child and adolescent psychology.

To maintain SIG status in SCCAP, SIGs must:

  1. Maintain a minimum of 10 SCCAP members
  2. Elect (or re-elect) a chair(s) on one- to three-year terms
  3. Submit an annual report to the board of directors (roughly in July)

The SCCAP central office will request SIG status reports to the SIG chairs in advance, and reports should be submitted to the central office.


Each SIG should have a chair(s) who will submit an annual report on the SIG activities and a list of current SIG members to the SCCAP Board as requested by the president. These individuals will also serve as liaisons with the board on topics of relevance to the SIG.

SIGs are encouraged to provide updates regarding their activities on the SCCAP listserv and newsletter (InBalance).

Information about SIGs will be made available on the SCCAP website.

Membership in SIGs will be included in annual dues. Any SCCAP member can join one or more SIGs.

How to Join

Membership in SIGs is for SCCAP members only.  Requests to join SIGs can be made through the individual SIG pages on the website.


Every SIG should have a chair or co-chairs elected for one-to-three year terms by the SIG. Each SIG should have a succession plan in place, which may include a term limit as well as methods for electing a new chair (either due to term expiring or chair opting to step down). The membership of each individual SIG should decide on these policies, and the membership should be known to the SCCAP Board of Directors.

The Division president, with approval from the board of directors, has the power to divest any chair of his/her position should that individual consistently fail to fulfill his/her chair responsibilities.

Resources Provided

Virtual Learning

SIGs will have access to the webinar software and are considered part of SCCAP for CE credits issued.  The MAL for Education and Standards must be notified to request a webinar time slot.  SIG webinars must meet all CESA requirements for CE.


SIGs are encouraged to provide updates regarding their activities in the InBalance Newsletter (per the editor’s discretion based on space availability).


Information about SIGs will be made available on the SCCAP website. Each SIG will have a dedicated webpage where they can include basic information regarding their group. A SIG web template form should be completed, updated annually, and submitted to the Div 53 Director of Operations.


SIGs are encouraged to hold annual meetings with the APA or child- or adolescent-focused conferences. SCCAP will provide space and time for SIGs to hold these meetings during the APA Convention.

SIGs are encouraged to plan activities in conjunction with their meetings. Ideas include:

  • SIG poster awards
  • Sponsoring speakers
  • Hosting a research symposium and other SIG-related social activities (runs, breakfasts, etc.)

SIGs are encouraged to submit presentations to be included in the SCCAP APA Convention programming.  Space may also be available for SIG programming in the SCCAP Suite.

Board Reports

Twice per year, the leader of each SIG will be required to supply the MAL for Membership with a report of their activities over the previous six months. These reports will be requested and compiled by the SCCAP administrative officer.

Listserv Presence and Social Media

It is recommended that SIGs have an active presence on the SCCAP listserv. It may also be possible for SIGs to have their own listservs independent of the SCCAP listserv. If a SIG maintains a separate email list, it would be their responsibility to check it twice per year to ensure that anyone who is not an active member of SCCAP is removed from the email list.

SIGs should send social media posts to the Communications Chair to be included on the SCCAP platforms.

Logo Use

SIGs may request to use the SCCAP logo on their brochures, posters, or other materials. This is acceptable to the Board as long as the materials are professional in nature and do not require the Board’s pre-approval. The Board would like to track the use of the logo on such materials, so please send electronic copies to the SCCAP Director of Operations for presentation to the board (for example, at the time of submission of the SIG report).


SIGs are encouraged to work on research projects together, which may (hopefully) result in presentation and publication. The Board recommends that SIGs follow the APA guidelines for authorship in all presentations and publications. SIGs may also use the logo on presentations and publications where appropriate and are welcome to identify themselves as a “Special Interest Group of SCCAP” if appropriate.