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SCCAP Elections

SCCAP is a member driven society and we are very proud to have such an active membership base. The following is a list of members who have expressed an interest to represent you on the board by running for elected SCCAP office.

APA administers the elections for all divisions. Ballots will be emailed, or mailed to those members without email addresses, on April 15. The balloting period will run from April 15 through May 14. In June the results will be certified by the APA Elections Committee and SCCAP will be notified of the results. APA will email or mail ballots to all APA and Non-APA members eligible to vote in a SCCAP election. In addition, APA members may access their ballots on their member profile page (

SCCAP is a member-driven society and we are very proud to have such an active membership base. The following is a list of members who have expressed an interest in representing you on the board by running for elected SCCAP office.

President Elect 2025

Canidate: Anthony Puliafico

Anthony Puliafico, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. He is the founding director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders – Westchester, including its Anxiety Day Program. Dr. Puliafico is co-chair of New York Presbyterian Hospital’s Center for Youth Mental Health’s Clinical Committee and led ABCT’s Child and Adolescent Anxiety SIG from 2013-2015. He served as SCCAP’s associate newsletter editor from 2017-2021 and newsletter editor from 2022-2023. He is currently the SCCAP representative to the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science.

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

It would be my privilege to serve SCCAP as President-Elect as this organization’s value to the field, its members, and me personally, is immense. Our journals share cutting-edge research and clinical updates with a large and growing readership. Our leadership advocates for policies to advance the mental health and welfare of youth and families, and to support child-focused mental health professionals. SCCAP offers a multitude of training and educational resources through our Clinical Practice Institutes,, and our ever-vibrant listserv. And the upcoming SCCAP conference will provide a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues and trainees to share ideas and form collaborations. 

I believe I have the professional experience and skills to lead SCCAP effectively and to help advance its mission. I have held leadership positions within my institution and professional organizations, including SCCAP. As SCCAP newsletter editor, I aided in transitioning the newsletter to its current online form, making it more accessible for all members. As editor, I also engaged with Board members, Committee leaders and members to highlight the impactful work happening within SCCAP. Consequently, I am thoroughly familiar with the varied positions, initiatives, committees, and SIGs within SCCAP, and this knowledge would serve me well as SCCAP President-Elect. 

My clinical, administrative and research roles within an academic health center have provided me with insights into the needs of our child-focused mental health specialists and the systems in which we work. Additionally, after operating a private practice for four years, I understand the needs and priorities of our private practice members. SCCAP offers its diverse membership many opportunities in the areas of research, practice, and training. Relying on my past and current experiences, I hope to foster greater cross-collaboration and engagement of our membership.  

If fortunate to be elected SCCAP President-Elect, I would prioritize efforts to support our members in effectively communicating and engaging with the larger community of youth and families. At this moment, it is crucial to share and amplify accurate and data-supported psychological knowledge and interventions based in clinical science. SCCAP is a national leader in disseminating psychological knowledge through its trainings, journals, listserv, websites, and partnerships with organizations dedicated to the welfare of young people. My aim is to guide SCCAP in expanding these efforts so that children and families, and those working with them, can easily access and reap the benefits of accurate mental health information. 

Canidate: Tim Cavel

Tim Cavell, PhD is a practicing clinical child/adolescent psychologist and Professor in  the Department of Psychological Science at the University of Arkansas. He studies how  parents, teachers, and mentors can help children who are highly and aggressive or  chronically bullied at school. Tim has authored over 100 journal articles and chapters and  has published 4 books, including Good Enough Parenting and Working with Parents of  Aggressive Children. His research has been funded by the Department of Education, the  National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the Department of Defense. Tim is currently on APA’s  Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) and previously served on APA’s Board of Professional  Affairs (BPA). Tim also chaired the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology  Programs (CUDCP) and is on the Research Advisory Council for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of  America and the National Mentoring Resource Center. He and his wife have 3 children,  including a daughter who is a practicing child/adolescent psychologist! 

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

I am a clinical child and adolescent psychologist who does school-based  prevention research. My professional activities include doctoral research training, clinical  supervision, undergraduate teaching, graduate education advocacy, parttime clinical  practice, and consultation. I teach graduate courses in psychotherapy, clinical science, and psychosocial interventions for children, parents, and families. I believe my experience will  help me contribute to the work of the SCCAP Board as it strives to serve our members. Thank you for your consideration. 

Treasurer 2025

Canidate: David Langer

David Langer, Ph.D., ABPP, is on the faculty of the Department of Psychology at Suffolk University, where he serves as the Director of Clinical Training for the clinical doctoral program and the Director of the CHOICES Lab. He received his Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles in 2009, completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University, and served as the clinical director and co-director of research of the Child Program at Boston University’s Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders for several years before joining the faculty at Suffolk University. Dr. Langer studies the youth psychosocial treatment processes and outcomes, with a particular focus on personalizing treatments for youth psychotherapy through active involvement of caregivers and youth to plan treatments that are responsive to families’ values, preferences, and goals. Dr. Langer’s research has a long history of federal and foundation funding, and his work has been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international research conferences. Dr. Langer values his continued engagement in direct clinical work, maintaining a small private practice, and is highly committed to service. He is the immediate Past-President of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and has served as Treasurer for SCCAP since 2017.

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

It has been an honor to serve as SCCAP’s treasurer since 2017, following the 18-year term of our founding treasurer, Dick Abidin. I have worked diligently to maintain SCCAP’s strong financial position and am pleased to note that in my nearly eight years as treasurer, our endowment has grown 59% while we have expanded our financial support of several initiatives aligned with our mission. As I manage our budget and oversee our financial contracts, I’ve actively worked with the SCCAP board, committees, and members to ensure adequate funding for and financial management of SCCAP’s many exciting initiatives and collaborations, including: SCCAP’s grants and awards, the Leadership Education to Advance Diversity (LEAD) Institute, the Future Directions Forum, and the inaugural 2025 SCCAP Conference. In 2020, I renegotiated our journal publishing contract with Taylor & Francis, securing an even more favorable contract for SCCAP at a time when publishers are looking to cut costs, and am engaged in renegotiating the contract for renewal in 2026. If I am given the opportunity to continue to serve SCCAP and its members as treasurer, I will continue to: (1) improve upon our financial policies and procedures to protect the resources that support SCCAP’s activities, (2) transparently manage our finances, (3) work with SCCAP members and affiliated groups to further SCCAP’s mission.

MAL Science & Practice 2025

Canidate: Dana Gadaire

My academic and professional career reflects a commitment to understanding child  and adolescent development from varied lenses and methodological approaches.  Interdisciplinary training in psychology, social work, and behavior analysis facilitates  integration of transdiagnostic, evidence-based approaches to promote ecologically  valid pediatric health outcomes.  

My early training emphasized behavioral assessment and interventions for vulnerable  youth (e.g., youth with intellectual impairments, youth in foster care). These  opportunities highlighted the interactive complexity of biological factors, immediate  social contingencies, and distal social influences over the course of child  development. These experiences also reinforced a commitment to addressing  systemic challenges and health disparities for marginalized populations.  

Graduate training in clinical and community psychology honed my skills in  psychological assessment, intervention, and interdisciplinary collaboration.  Clinically, I gained invaluable experience in the areas of neuropsychological  assessment, functional behavioral assessment, case formulation and evaluation. I also  gained a broader understanding of social systems and power dynamics that obstruct  innovative problem solving. Clinical training in collaborative care models (e.g., in  schools and health-care settings) refined my appreciation for the perspectives and  expertise of experts from unique disciplines. I also came to appreciate the limitations  of expert knowledge in the absence of contextualization, cultural humility, and  reflective practice.  

In various academic appointments and clinical roles, I mastered leadership and  communication skills as well as specific competencies related to my areas of  specialization (e.g., autism spectrum disorders, ADHD). Becoming a mother (of four)  also taught me to view developmental challenges and wellbeing in new and  profoundly meaningful ways.  

My current professional endeavors focus on the promotion of pediatric health  outcomes in integrated primary care settings. I work with interdisciplinary teams of  health professionals, educators, and caregivers to address developmental concerns  from a strengths and solution-focused framework. Primary referral concerns include:  disruptive behavior, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, feeding, elimination,  sleep, medical treatment adherence, and interpersonal functioning. My clinical  activities also include neuro-developmental assessment, anticipatory  developmental guidance, parent and school consultation. 

Beyond providing exceptional clinical care, I strive to enhance the capacity of  behavioral health systems through training and research. For example, I am currently  working with trainees to evaluate behavioral health outcomes associated with school-

based mentoring programs as well as facilitating dissemination of such programs in  underserved communities. I also work with healthcare teams to develop streamlined  processes for assessing and triaging patient concerns and connecting them with  appropriate supports.  

As my career continues to evolve, I hope to continue addressing inequities in access  to evidence-based, contextually informed behavioral health services. I will continue  to reflect, train, and evaluate best practices in integrated behavioral health practices,  particularly as a means of addressing the diverse needs of underserved patients.  

Ultimately, I aim to inform and expand frameworks for developmentally appropriate,  functional (rather than pathologizing) supports that promote resilience and adaptation  to complex developmental challenges

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

My interest in serving on the Board of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent  Psychology (SCCAP) stems from my interdisciplinary background and curiosity  surrounding diverse psychological perspectives. I acknowledge the limits of my  knowledge and embrace opportunities to learn from respected colleagues. As such, I  expect opportunities to monitor and communicate scientific developments will be  immensely rewarding. Indeed, activities in support of SCCAP’s library of resources  (e.g., will incorporate my passions for learning,  interdisciplinary discourse, and education/ dissemination. I also expect my  interdisciplinary background facilitate integration of valuable insights from a  multitude of sources and perspectives as well as effective communication across  SCCAP’s diverse membership.  

If selected to serve as Member at Large Science and Practice, I will promote all  aspects of the Society’s mission. I will facilitate efficient dissemination of evidence based practices and research as well as resources for additional training and career  development. I will highlight key ethical, developmental and cultural considerations  as cornerstones of evidence-based practice. Finally, I will strive to build community  among members to buffer stress associated with behavioral health service provision.  

I believe that my academic and clinical training foster innovation, critical thinking,  and communication. I am committed to using these assets in support of your members  and SCCAP’s mission to promote child and adolescent wellbeing. 

Canidate: Tamara Del Vecchio

I am a Professor in the Department of Psychology at St. John’s University, where I served as Department Chair (2020-2023) and Director of Clinical Training (2018-2020). I earned my PhD from Stony Brook University. My research focuses on the development of early aggressive behavior and the parent-child dynamics that shape its trajectory. I co-edited the Handbook of Training and Supervision in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2023) and am currently co-editing the forthcoming Handbook of Behavioral Parent Training (APA), which synthesizes current evidence and best practices in this area. I am a co-developer of several clinical assessment tools, including the Parent Anger Scale (PAS) and Child Behavior Record (CBR), which have been translated and used internationally. I serve as a consulting editor for the Journal of Family Psychology and have served as an ad hoc reviewer for numerous journals, including the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, the International Journal of Behavioral Development, and Development and Psychopathology. I am also a site visitor for the APA Internship Accreditation Program. In addition to my research, as a licensed psychologist and clinical supervisor, and in conjunction with my ongoing work with Head Start programs, I maintain an active role in clinical training and supervision. I train graduate students in evidence-based interventions for children and families and mentor doctoral students, many of whom have pursued careers in child clinical psychology. I am a member of APA Div 53, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), and the Society for Research in Child Development. Within ABCT, I served as Chair of the Parenting and Families Special Interest Group (2007-2008) and have been actively involved in organizing the Social Learning and the Family Pre-conference (2007, 2016, 2022).

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

I am excited about the opportunity to serve as a Member-at-Large: Science and Practice for APA Division 53. As a scientist-practitioner, I am deeply committed to promoting a bidirectional exchange between research and practice, where scientific advancements inform clinical care and practitioner insights shape the research questions we ask. If elected, I would focus on creating pathways to strengthen this exchange. I am eager to contribute to the ongoing success and expansion of the Clinical Practice Institute (CPI), facilitating stronger connections between practitioners and researchers. My goals also include establishing a resource hub for evidence-based assessment tools and expanding training webinars in evidence-based interventions across various service delivery contexts. Another key priority is improving how we disseminate research-backed information to practitioners, parents, and families. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, we must explore new and effective ways to share evidence-based resources that are accessible, engaging, and culturally responsive. I am eager to learn from and collaborate with Division 53 members to develop innovative strategies for reaching families with the knowledge they need to support their children’s well-being. Having benefited from SCCAP’s resources throughout my career, I look forward to giving back, helping shape its future direction, and contributing to the division’s continued growth and impact.

Council Rep 2025

Canidate: Jarrod Leffler

Jarrod M. Leffler, PhD, ABPP is a board-certified clinical child and adolescent psychologist and  Associate Professor and Chief of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychology in the Department  of Psychiatry at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Children’s Hospital of Richmond.  Jarrod is actively involved in clinical practice, program develop, implementation and evaluation,  research, supervision and training, diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, administration, and  leadership. Jarrod is a Fellow of SCCAP and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy  (ABCT). He is the co-founder and past Co-Chair of SCCAP’s Acute Intensive and Residential Setting  Special Interest Group (AIRS SIG), and he is a member of SCCAP’s 2025 Conference Planning  Committee. Jarrod is the recipient of SCCAP’s 2024 Distinguished Career Award for Practice and  Training and the 2024 recipient of SCCAP’s Acute, Intensive, and Residential Setting Special Interest  Group (AIRS SIG) Distinguished Professional Contributions Award. Jarrod has served two terms as  President of the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (ABCCAP) and is a  past ABCCAP Board of Trustee Representative. He is also a member of APA’s Task Force for Serious  Mental Illness and Severe Emotional Disturbance, and he has served as Chair of the Child and  Adolescent Depression SIG for ABCT. Dr. Leffler has published on treatment, assessment, training,  and program development and evaluation in youth mental health. He is the lead editor of two  special issues on acute, intensive, and residential care settings in SCCAP’s practice journal,  Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. He is also the lead editor of the  Handbook of Evidence-Based Inpatient Mental Health Programs, and the Handbook of Evidence-Based  Day Treatment Programs for Children and Adolescents. He co-authored Psychotherapy for Children  with Bipolar and Depressive Disorders and has published treatment manuals for youth mood  disorders.

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

I am a board-certified clinical child and adolescent psychologist who works with youth  experiencing complex mental health and medical concerns and their families. My clinical practice  includes clinical child and pediatric settings. My professional activities include treatment,  assessment, research, training, supervision, program development, administration, and leadership.  I have developed and lead special interest groups as well as held leadership positions in national  organizations. I have been recognized for my contributions to practice and training, and regularly  engage organization activities through various leadership roles. I believe my experience supports  my ability to contribute to the work of the SCCAP Board and to the mission of APA’s Council of  Representatives. I appreciate your support as I pursue SCCAP’s APA Council Representative position.

Canidate: Joaquin Berrego

I am a Professor in the School of Graduate Psychology and Associate Dean for Faculty Development in the College of Health Professions at Pacific University.  Previously, I served as the Dean for the School of Graduate Psychology.  My clinical research interests are in the development, implementation, and evaluation of culturally appropriate mental and behavioral health services for ethnic and racially-diverse children, youth, and families, the influence of culture on parenting and discipline practices, and the prevention and early intervention of child maltreatment.
Some of my previous national-level professional activities include serving on the Executive Board for APA’s Division 37: Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice and the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP), as well as the APA Fellows Committee. I currently serve on Division 53’s Fellows Committee and am a member of the Task Force for Training Guidelines in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. I am an APA Fellow in the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (53), Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice (37), Society of Clinical Psychology (12), and Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race (45).

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

📝🎤 Candidate Statement

I am excited about the possibility of serving as an APA Council Representative for SCCAP.  It would be an honor to serve as a Council Representative and engage in advocacy that is in line with the SCCAP’s mission of enhancing the science of practice of clinical child and adolescent psychology.  I am particularly interested in moving forward our continued work related to equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI).  Although APA has made some recent strides, there is much work ahead as we strive to make our professional society more inclusive and socially responsive to its members and society.   

I will work collaboratively with the Council of Representatives to ensure that APA develops and implements policies that are in line with their mission and vision as part of the IMPACT strategic plan, especially in the context of working with children, adolescents, and families.  We need to continue our work and focus on diversifying the pipeline from undergraduate to graduate school so our communities may benefit greatly from a more diverse psychology workforce that provides high quality culturally informed, evidence-based assessment and intervention services for children, adolescents, and families. Related, we need to continue our work on being more socially responsive to the needs of our communities.  Specifically, we need to be proactive in addressing social conditions (e.g., racism, poverty, transphobia) that contribute to the inequities faced by children, adolescents, and families from diverse backgrounds.

It would be a great privilege to represent SCCAP on the Council of Representatives as it is vital that the voices and interests of SCCAP members are represented in APA. Thank you for your consideration. 

Canidate: Kelsie Okamura

As a fourth-generation daughter of Japanese and Okinawan immigrants to Hawaiʻi, I have a deep appreciation of understanding diversity, culture, and contexts as they apply to youth mental health implementation. Growing up in a rural town in Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi has afforded me insight into the complexities of socioeconomic and cultural barriers that may impede successful implementation of youth psychosocial interventions. It is through this lens that I would be delighted to serve as your Division Council Representative. I am currently an Implementation Researcher at the Baker Center for Children and Families, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, and a licensed psychologist. She received her BA in Psychology with Honors and PhD from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. I completed her predoctoral internship at I Ola Lāhui Rural Hawai‘i Behavioral Health and postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Mental Health. I was both a NIMH Child Intervention, Prevention and Services (CHIPS) and Training in Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH) fellow, and currently serves as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Group Member to Implementation Research and Practice and is a board member of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (American Psychological Association Division 53). I am passionate about community-based public-sector service system implementation, particularly (a) knowledge formation, (b) quality improvement initiatives that bridge team-based technology, and (c) financial strategies to improve implementation. I am currently funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse and have received funding through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Institute for General Medical Services, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and American Psychological Foundation.

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae

Canidate: Michelle Roley-Roberts

My name is Michelle Roley-Roberts, PhD, and I am running for Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) Representative to APA Council because of my commitment to equitable mental health care for children and adolescents. I have been a member of APA and SCCAP since I was a post-bachelor’s research assistant with ambitions to be a clinical child and adolescent psychologist circa 2008 where I volunteered to assist the Education and Standards Member-At-Large with updating the list of PhD programs offering child psychology graduate training. While a graduate student in clinical psychology, I served on the SCCAP Student Advisory Board where I helped to develop and launch the speed mentoring program and still running mentorship program for trainees at the undergraduate, post-bachelor’s, and graduate levels. I currently serve as the InBalance Associate Newsletter Editor where I seek to ensure that the latest clinically relevant scientific research is featured for our members so that youth and families being treated by members of the SCCAP community are better positioned to receive the best care. Throughout my time as an SCCAP member I have demonstrated a commitment to ensuring equitable access to mentoring and resources to benefit future and current providers to position themselves to provide evidence-based and equitable care to the youth and families we serve.

I am a clinical child and adolescent psychologist licensed in West Virginia, Ohio, and Nebraska. I am a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at West Virginia University where I lead the PTSD, Suicide, and Traumatic Stress in Children: Culturally Relevant Interventions, Prevention, and Training (POSTSCRIPT) Research Lab, which has received federal and foundation funding for a variety of community-based research, program evaluation, and quality improvement projects. I formerly was an assistant professor and director of quality improvement in the Psychiatry Department at Creighton University. I completed my postdoctoral research at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Nisonger Center. I was a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Trainee, a National Institute of Mental Health Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services (CHIPS) Fellow, and a Leadership Education to Advance Diversity (LEAD) Fellow. I graduated from the University of Toledo with my Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2016. I completed my APA-accredited predoctoral internship at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in the child track. My research and clinical interests center the goal of investigating and providing culturally sensitive evidence-based assessments for developmental disabilities and comorbid mental health disorders and treatments for PTSD toward reducing youth suicide risk. I have worked clinically and in community-based research with youth and families involved in the justice system, foster care system, schools, and local non-profit organizations addressing substance use, housing insecurity/homelessness, and suicide risk. 

In summary, I bring a wealth of experiences collaborating with communities and individuals across the spectrum of disciplines and foci at the local, regional, and state levels. I would be honored to serve in this advocacy role as APA Council to Represent SCCAP.  In Council, I will represent the interests of SCCAP, work collaboratively with other child- and family-focused divisions and our colleagues who provide evidence-based care across the lifespan. As we move forward it is critical to advance our science and practice, and to ensure the needs of children and families are equitably centered.

📑💼 Cirriculum Vitae