Beginning in 2021 SCCAP members will continue to have free online access to all SCCAP journals through the website, however, we will no longer be mailing paper copies of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Evidence-based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Members may use the applications below to request an annual paper copy subscription for that membership year.
The low Member annual rates are:
JCCAP – $35.00 per volume (contains all issues)
EPCAMH – $20.00 per volume (contains all issues)
INDIVIDUAL ISSUES WILL NOT BE MAILED. A complete volume for that year will be mailed at the end of the year for EPCAMH and two volumes will be mailed for JCCAP.
Taylor and Francis will email you directly with payment process information. SCCAP does not collect the payment for hardcopies.
The discounted hard copy rate is only available to members with a valid membership for that year.
Questions and comment may be emailed Lynn Canty, SCCAP Director of Operations, at
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