A Walk Down Memory Lane-Happy 25th Anniversary to Us!
Happy Birthday/Anniversary to SCCAP! We are 25 years old as our own independent APA division. Plan to attend our silver jubilee reception at APA—if you have old photos of “the early days”, send them to Lynn Canty, our Operations Manager, cc’d here. Best entry wins a prize in August at the reception!
Watch on the 25th of every month for a memory of SCCAP’s history and accomplishments- and see you in Seattle this August!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
At our inaugural Board of Directors meeting in Charleston, SC, we changed our name from the Society of Clinical Child Psychology to the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) to reflect our commitment to the developmental needs of youth. We spent some time over the next few years deciding the best acronym pronunciation (S-CAP) in the midst of accomplishing actual substantial work for our newly formed division
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
Our specialty was actually launched in 1962, with Alan O. Ross as president of Division 12, Section I. We spent 37 years as a section before growing into our own division beginning in 2000. In 12 years, we can celebrate our 50:50 status! In the meantime, plan now to attend our 25th Anniversary Business Meeting and Reception this August in Seattle. We will be giving out S-caps (yes, real baseball caps – a phonetic guide to our SCCAP name ) to all who attend!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
Our society has a broad theoretical base. Our first president, Dr. Alan Ross, was originally trained as a psychodynamic clinician, but became an expert in behavioral therapy. In 1977 (when we were still Section I of Division 12), planning began for a conference to establish training guidelines. These guidelines were established at the 1985 Hilton Head Training Conference, chaired by Dr. June Tuma. Forty-nine participants participated, with representation from throughout the US and Canada. Participants were from universities, internship sites, service agencies, private hospitals or group practices, and administrators of federal or state human services or research organizations. Be on the lookout for a Past Presidents Series in our flagship journal- contributions from many of those original 49 leaders will be summarized in brief biographies.
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
In 1998, one year before we became Division 53, Drs. Lonigan, Johnson, & Elbert published the first special issue on empirically supported treatments. In addition to the editors’ introduction and two commentaries, there were five articles reviewing the evidence base for autism, depression, phobic and anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One decade later, in 2008, Drs. Silverman and Hinshaw published the second special issue on empirically supported treatments. This time, the article number doubled to 10, and covered eating problems and disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trauma, substance abuse, and psychosocial treatments for ethnic minority youth in addition to the five topics from a decade earlier. Subsequently, when Dr. Prinstein became editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology in 2012, he collaborated with Associate Editor Dr. Southam-Gerow to convert the special issue format into a series of Evidence-Based Updates (EBUs), which are published throughout each volume. The current editor, Dr. De Los Reyes, has not only continued that tradition but expanded the EBU series to cover evaluations of assessments, and has leveraged the EBU series to commission expository pieces on measurement and methodology. These EBUs are some of the most highly cited articles in our flagship journal. Clearly a sign of our advancing science and practice!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
In 1998, one year before we became Division 53, Drs. Lonigan, Johnson, & Elbert published the first special issue on empirically supported treatments. In addition to the editors’ introduction and two commentaries, there were five articles reviewing the evidence base for autism, depression, phobic and anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One decade later, in 2008, Drs. Silverman and Hinshaw published the second special issue on empirically supported treatments. This time, the article number doubled to 10, and covered eating problems and disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trauma, substance abuse, and psychosocial treatments for ethnic minority youth in addition to the five topics from a decade earlier. Subsequently, when Dr. Prinstein became editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology in 2012, he collaborated with Associate Editor Dr. Southam-Gerow to convert the special issue format into a series of Evidence-Based Updates (EBUs), which are published throughout each volume. The current editor, Dr. De Los Reyes, has not only continued that tradition but expanded the EBU series to cover evaluations of assessments, and has leveraged the EBU series to commission expository pieces on measurement and methodology. These EBUs are some of the most highly cited articles in our flagship journal. Clearly a sign of our advancing science and practice!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
Continuing the history lesson of our division, Dr. Bill Pelham was the final president of Division 12, Section 1, which is fitting, as his dissertation chair was Dr. Alan Ross, the initial president of Division 12, Section 1. And the linkage continues! Our current president, Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, was a student of Dr. Pelham. In addition to her presidential duties, she is co-guest editor of an in-the-works special issue of EPCAMH on Summer Treatment Programs (STPs), an evidence-based treatment for kids with ADHD. STPs started at Florida State, moved on to Pittsburgh, spread to Buffalo, then exploded across the country. So impressive to see how our clinical science has expanded!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
We had a fabulous “Silver Anniversary” bash at APA. This year is also the 5th anniversary of our bi-annual Leadership Education to Advance Diversity (LEAD) Institute, with meetings held in 2019, 2021, and 2023. In keeping with anniversary traditions, silver (for 25th anniversaries) represents brilliance, shine, and value, while wood (for 5th anniversaries) represents durability and standing the test of time. These sound like great attributes for SCCAP!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
Check out the Special Editorial Series on Past Presidents: Leaders in the History of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, published in our flagship Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology! Curated by our very own Dr. Michael Roberts, student and early career SCCAP members have written biographies of our past presidents, going back to our original Division 12, Section I president, Alan Ross (1962-1963)- authored by Dr. Julia Kiefer. Note- not all years and past-presidents have been claimed yet, so if you are interested in this fascinating project, please contact Dr. Roberts at mroberts@ku.edu
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
For those who missed our Silver Anniversary celebration at APA (or those who wish to relive the experience!), check out the in press article, CELEBRATING OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY: A PAST PRESIDENTS’ PANEL, in the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. While you are perusing the journal, check out the new entries in our Special Editorial Series on Past Presidents: Leaders in the History of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Note- if you like history are looking for a fascinating writing project, not all years and past-presidents have been claimed yet. Contact Dr. Roberts at mroberts@ku.edu if you would like to join the writing team.
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
We have grown in so many ways over the past 25 years. SCCAP is most definitely vibrant and on an exciting trajectory. We encourage you to get involved with your professional home!
New growth we have launched since 2000 includes:
- 7 SIGs (Bilingual Psychologists, Infant & Early Childhood, Clinical Child and Adolescent Practice, Acute, Intensive, and Residential Services, Emerging Adults, Summer Treatment Program, and Professional Development and Mentoring)
- 2 journals (up from 1 when we launched)-with Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health (EPCAMH) being our newest addition
- 4 (up from 3) Members-at-Large-with Diversity being our newest addition
- 1 EffectiveChildTherapy.org editor
- 1 Communication Committee, which helps send out news about SCCAP to social media
- Many new awards (several that have sunsetted are not listed here)
- Abidin Early Career
- Distinguished Career Award for Practice and Training
- Diversity Professional Development Award
- Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award
- LEAD Institute Fellow Award
- Future Directions Launch Award
- R. Bob Smith, III, PhD, Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award and Workshop
- Routh Research Dissertation Grant
- Student Achievement Awards
- Student Poster – Research Advancing DEI Award
- Student Professional Development Awards
- 4 conferences
- Our very own SCCAP Conference
- Future Directions Forum
- LEAD: Leadership Education to Advance Diversity
- Clinical Practice Institute (primarily on-line)
And all of this without raising dues- SCCAP is the best professional bargain around!
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee
As I don’t think our members will be glued to their computers on December 25th to read the last of the SCCAP monthly 25th Anniversary missives, this one is arriving to your email inbox early . We have had 11 months of looking back on our development as a society. Now it is time to look forward! Calculate how old you will be in 2037, which is when I propose that SCCAP should have its next anniversary bash. Not to worry, I haven’t lost all mathematical skills! While only 13 years from now, it will signify when we reach our Diamond Jubilee of 75 years (if we count our time as Division 12, Section I along with our time as Division 53). I won’t say how old I will be at that time, but I am honored to say I have been on the SCCAP board for 20 of our 25 years. SO- it will be time for someone else to take the reins. Put it in your planner now ;-). Until then, thank you for all you do to fulfill the vision of SCCAP– to improve the mental health and resilient development of children, adolescents, and families with full commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Mary Fristad
On behalf of the SCCAP Board of Directors and History Committee