Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Professional Development Series
Serving the community of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, teachers, pediatricians, public health and all those dedicated to improving the mental health of children, adolescents and families.
Life-long learning made easy
SCCAP offers several vehicles for staying up to date on evidence-based practice and other issues relevant to child and adolescent mental health. Our newly launched webinar series focuses on topical issues and is enhanced by member forums that extend networking and educational opportunities after the webinar is over. contains links to keynote speeches and treatment training videos developed in partnership with the FIU Center for Children and Families. Personalized learning is also available by participating in SCCAP’s Mentor programs.
Co-Sponsored CE & Conference Programs
SCCAP takes an interdisciplinary approach to sponsoring CE programs as a way to more broadly advocate for children’s mental health and to provide members with a variety of network of experiences. APA CE Program listings:
SCCAP co-sponsors the MICAMH and NCCCAP Conferences that provide child and adolescent focused programing.
2018 Webinars
April 25- Noon EDT: Attachment Theory and research: Applications and Misapplications in Clinical Practice Brian Allen, PsyD
July 9- 2pm EDT Applying to Clinical Internships: Insider Tips for Maximizing Your Success; Mitch Prinstein, PhD, ABPP , Laura Mufson, PhD , Rhonda Sena, PhD, Ric Steele PhD ABPP
Sept. 14- Noon EDT Psychology and Ethics: Strengthening Diverse Relationship Across Psychology; Celia Fisher,PhD
Dec. 4 – Noon EDT From the Brain to Bedside: Translating Neuroscience Findings to Develop Innovative Interventions; Amy Roy, PhD
JCCAP Future Directions Forum
As a leading journal in child and Adolescent mental health, the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology is in a unique position to build bridges among the field’s disciplines through its FDF by leveraging expertise from all disciplines to improve the mental health of children and adolescents worldwide. The Forum showcases interdisciplinary work in child and adolescent mental health, and provides professional development training to early career scientists.
Division 53
American Psychological Association