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Infant & Early Childhood Special Interest Group

Infancy and Early Childhood involves a unique period of rapid progression through critical developmental and psychological stages. Assessment and intervention with this young population requires consideration of multiple intersecting elements, including evolving development, psychological factors, family context, and broader community influences. In recent years, there has been growing interest in and recognition of the particular mental health needs of infants, young children, and their families. The field is rapidly expanding, and there is a tremendous need to facilitate connection and collaboration among scientists and practitioners with shared interests in further elucidating, promoting, and serving the needs of this population.

Consequently, the Infant and Early Childhood SIG of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) is dedicated to the promotion of policy, practice, research, training, and education directly relevant to the psychological assessment of and intervention with infants and young children from birth to age 5 years. The primary goal of the Infant and Early Childhood SIG is to provide a professional forum that supports researchers and clinicians in the pursuit of psychological science and practice designed to promote the mental health and well-being of infants and young children during these critical early developmental stages. To that end, the Infancy and Early Childhood SIG is interested in:

  1. Educating others about infant and early childhood mental health
  2. Promoting awareness and advocating for the specialized needs of this population
  3. Supporting research relevant to the psychological assessment and treatment of this population
  4. Developing models of service delivery for infancy and early childhood
  5. Implementing evidence-based assessment and treatment for infants, young children, and their families
  6. Disseminating information about evidence-based assessment and treatment with this population

The IEC SIG has a listserv to facilitate communication amongst its members. To join the IEC SIG and be put on the listserv, use the membership form below.

*Note: You must be a member of SCCAP APA Div 53 to join the IEC SIG and listserv.

For more information contact Miller Shivers at


  • Miller Shivers, PhD
  • Brooke Yancy-Ward, PsyD

Training and Education Committee 

  • Glenn Mesman, PhD
  • Amanda Costello, PhD
  • Rebecca Burger-Caplan, PhD

Clinical Practice

  • Claire Noonan, PhD
  • Maribeth Wicoff, PhD


  • Brenda Salley, PhD
  • Jaclyn Russo, PhD


  • Jenny Carlson, PhD

Student Representatives

  • Janisha Hui from U of Maryland, College Park – Clinical Practice Committee
  • Ellie Deveaux from William James College -Training and Education/Exec Meetings
  • Vinaya Thomas from East Tennessee State – Research Committee
  • Emily Baines from Boston University – Training and Education Committee
  • Noelle Warfford from U of Toledo – Training and Education Committee

Join using the membership form below

Membership in SCCAP is required to participate in the SIG

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