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Open letter from the Diversity Committee to join #EquityFlattenstheCurve

Open letter from the Diversity Committee to join #EquityFlattenstheCurve

Dear colleagues:

As the Chair of the Diversity Committee and Member at Large (Diversity), I wanted to update you on what APA is doing regarding COVID-19. As you may know, APA will be hosting weekly Town Halls for members and the next town hall is scheduled for April 29 at 1pm ET. Click here for details and registration.

APA is also starting an awareness campaign called #EquityFlattensTheCurve.

#EquityFlattenstheCurve aims to reduce bias, stigma and discrimination to advance health equity in the pandemic response and recovery efforts.  #EFtC will:

  • Connect the voices of health equity advocates and professionals to educate policymakers and leaders regarding equity-enhancing practices and policies
  • Promote social cohesion, inclusion, and equity as necessary to help mitigate the virus’ spread; and,
  • Promote policies and practices that reduce inequity and address public health needs of diverse populations over short- and long-term.

Please stay tuned for more on #EFtC and follow SCCAP on twitter at @SCCAP53


Earl Turner

SCCAP Diversity Committee Mission & Priorities