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Student Resources

Looking for job postings, mentorship opportunities, or information on training videos? We’ve provided a number of different resources and opportunities for students in the child psychology field.

Graduation Cords


Student Membership Benefits

SCCAP offers graduate students free membership including benefits such as access to professional and student listservs, forums, and the SCCAP InBalance newsletter.


Student Listserv

A student e-mail listserv for SCCAP student members to connect, post announcements, and start discussions relevant to the community.


Career Column Spotlight

In order to highlight the range of possible career trajectories within the field of child and adolescent clinical psychology, we are pleased to introduce our new bimonthly Career Column. Each column features a different child and adolescent-focused clinical psychologist. The columnists describe their current role or roles; the path taken to arrive at their current positions; the training, support, and other experiences they have found valuable; and recommendations for current students.


Student Mentorship

A unique mentorship program for undergraduate and graduate students to be matched with mentors with similar interests.


Career Center

Our Career Center provides access to high-quality job and internship postings for both students and professionals seeking to expand their experience in the field of child and adolescent mental health.


Training Program Databases

Our program database was designed to help potential students obtain information regarding graduate training in clinical child/adolescent psychology and pediatric psychology.


Student Award Opportunities

We have compiled a list of the relevant award opportunities for graduate students with a focus on clinical child and adolescent psychology.


Helping Give Away Psychological Science

The Helping Give Away Psychological Science (HGAPS) Project is an initiative to improve the information about psychology on Wikipedia and in the community.


More Student Resources

Visit this page for additional student resources, including funding opportunities, postdoctoral positions, and the InBalance Student View newsletter.
